Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Faith, Family and Fitness!

OK so I know it has been a very long time since I posted in here. With having a new baby, Ryan starting a new business and frankly just being busy with life I have let this blog go. For that I am sorry! I have am committing to posting in here more often..... That said here we go!
2016 is a new Year, and a new You. I have been asked so many times how I stay on my healthy eating and running plan. Well let me share my 3 F's
1. FAITH -  Faith is my 1st F. Faith is something we too often over look in our journey to get in better shape and take back out lives! This is something I learned when I was 250 lbs and fighting my inner demons. W so often ask God for help in our finances, with health concerns, with our marriages or with our children but WHY NOT OUR WEIGHT???? Why do we feel that God doesn't care about our weight or our physical health? I am here to tell you that it is Critical that you ASK God for Help. Losing weight is not about vanity for 99% of us. For me and my family it is about Getting Healthy so that I can do more and be more for Christ and his Kingdom. So that I can be there for my children and husband. According to the bible in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 -  we are told "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies" Yes I know this verse is referring to the authors lecture about sexual immorality but think about it why wouldn't this pertain to us and filling our bodies with junk food, and trash? We Treat our bodies like human wast dumps filling them with chemicals, preservatives, trans fats, and Chemically altered foods and then expect them to function at 100% HA HA HA fat chance, literally! I have started using this 1st F - My Faith to change my philosophy on eating and exercise. Daily I Pray for God to grant me the wisdom to make healthy choices, strength to say no to temptations, and the for site to give him the Honor and Praise when I do make those choices and people complement me on my new weight loss. When I Run I use mile 1 to Pray for my needs and to Thank God then any miles after that I say God I am listening and I truly keep my Heart and ears open to listening to what God is speaking to me for that day! ( NO I do not listen to music, I will occasionally listen to Joel Osteen on You Tube as I run but not often, as this keeps me focused and open to hear God"
2. FAMILY - Family is a double edged sword when it comes to weight loss and health, they can be your biggest ali's or your worst nightmares. For Ryan and I it is both.... We are 110% committed to our families we love our kids (who are our biggest supporters) and each other. We look at our babies and pray that we can get in better shape for them, to see our boys Grow up into Godly wise young men, who love the Lord, themselves and their family and friends. I look forward to watching them graduate High School, College, getting married and Lord willing seeing Grand children. They are my reason for wanting Health!! But then you get the Flip side..... You get the Parents, and in-laws, the brothers and sisters wanting to constantly eat out, or givign you false info about healthy eating. If you are like us and you have family that has never struggled with Food addiction and weight problems you get well meaning comments that Franky SUCK.... Comments like " just go walking", All you have to do is Eat less and move more" " just dont eat that if its a problem" Or my personal favorite, " Oh just one isnt bad for you, you can just eat a little." UMMMM WRONG!!!!
 While all of those are true the Fact is when you suffer from true Food addiction or weight control problems it is not so simple. while our family can be well meaning they are in essence sabotaging your weight loss. I know it is Hard but in those times you have to try hard to explain to them you neither need or want their advice and you have to revert back to the 1st F. and Pray for God to help you avoid making poor choices. If all else fails you should explain for a time you will not be able to go out with them or that you will eat before you come over.
3. FITNESS - Fitness is probably the hardest of the 3 F's to grasp and really force your self to do. For me I am now one of those crazy people who actually Loves it and gets very cranky if I don't get to workout daily. For me I have a bad day if I miss one of my 3 daily things. 1. God time, 2. Coffee ( LOL) 3. Daily  workout.  Don't get me wrong I wasn't always this way. In fact just 8 years ago I was full of hatred for a good workout and really I was angry at and jealous of those who did workout daily. I looked at fit people and thought OH they sicken me, they can just eat healthy and they stay so fit. But reality is those people work HARD!!! It is HARD to force yourself out of bed on a cold morning to get up put on runnig pants and go run in the chilly weather, or on days when it is 110 degrees at noon to take my lunch break to run a quick 3 miles. It is Hard to say NO to the cake, pizza and potato chips but if you want to be healthy, if you want to lose weight and keep it off and you want to be there for your kids and your self. Then you have to Let God and Let Go! You have to Trust that you can and you will get healthy, fit and feeling Great if you just put down the fork,and get in some more activity. Try a 30 min walk a day. go to the gym and start small, I don't care what you do just DO something fitness wise. for me when I was 250 lbs I one day said Enough is Enough, I'm going running. HA HA HA Running for me was a "Maybe" brisk walk for most people at 1st but then I built up and got faster and stronger. I started only doing 1 push up a day but over time built up to 50 at a time ( until i separated my shoulder). I started with 25 Crunches and worked up to doing 500 a day. I'm not suggesting you do what I did or even try to go out and run a mile your 1st go. What I am suggesting is start small know your body but get active, push yourself and know in both your heart and your head that you can do more then you really think you can.
Next time I will had out How too advice and maybe some Fast food tricks to stay in a good healthy eating plan! Until next time Follow your 3 F's and Pray hard/ Play Hard!

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