Thursday, February 11, 2016

Do not Lose Heart!

Today as I read my daily devotional and reflected on last nights Ash Wednesday service I though how appropriate for my fitness blog today! As many of you know Jan 1 almost everyone sets a fitness goal, weight loss, get in better shape, etc...and ironically this week is typically the CLIFF. By that I mean the 2nd week of Feb is the Drop week, when most people cancel their gym memberships or keep paying but quit using them, and all Diet or healthy eating flys right out the window as Valentines is this week and Superbowl  parties last weekend gave way to falling back into the trap of Crummy eating habits.
Today the devotional from "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young quoted Hebrews 12:3 Which talks about Not growing weary and losing heart. This made me think.... WHY? Why do we give up so quickly on our weight loss &  fitness goals?  I  have come to the conclusion that it is because it is so Easy to grow weary, and we lose heart! Think about it..... it is very easy to eat junk ( which is so easy to get, cheap to eat and ready in 1 min) we can easily gain 5 lbs in one weekend, but how hard is it to  lose 5 lbs,pre prep your food, force yourself to workout daily and really count and watch what we put into our body. We too often want the Quick fix, the Magic pill or easy out! Rest assured people I have tried them all and yes you may have temporary success but you will gain it back. Here in Lies the problem.... With any fad diet, magic pill or Yes I am just going to say it Surgery( OH Gasp How dare she) but with all these you do not tackle the real problem! The Problem is mental you are not addressing your WHY? What is it that is causing you to be an emotional eater, What was it that caused you to put on the weight in the 1st place. We Lose heart because we are not willing to take a very personal very hard look inside us and try to fix the real problem. I myself have been guilty of saying oh if I can just hurry up and lost XYZ amount of weight then I will just work out more and keep it off. But I am here to tell you for 98% of the population this is a huge LIE!!!! Until  you look inside and face your demons, I don't care what you do you will gain weight back. I know so many people who spent thousands to lose the weight on surgery, fad diet plans, nutritionists etc... that gained it back or at least 1/2 of it back because when the new wore off and they had to put in the work the will wasn't there. They got stressed, sad, angry and went back to emotional eating again. 
I encourage you no matter what stage you are in with your fitness and weight loss goals, PRAY! Ask for help take a hard look at yourself and know your Why, then address it! If you need addiction help get it, if you need a counselor Go!Do not be ashamed to seek help because at the end of the day Friends will fail you, the things of the world will let you down but God and your own self are all you have and all you can 110% cling to. Do not Lose heart Do not Grow weary you can do this! You can grow and get to be the better version of yourself that both you and God long for you to be.

Tips for the week:
1.) Dont drink your calories..... ( Juice and soda are chocked full of unneeded calories, don't drink them) If you want the nutrients of juice then buy a juicer and juice your own fruits and veggies, by doing so you get 0 added sugar, and more nutrients then you are probably eating each day. ALCOHOL is also a NO NO... While some alcohol has no or very little caloric value it does turn to sugar in your blood stream and sugars are automatically stored as fats!
2.) Have snacks ready when you are on the go..... ( have a Snack bag in your car, gym bag, or purse. Fill it with healthy alternatives to the high fat, high sugar foods in vending machines or at fast food restraunts) Great options are prepackaged nuts, Halo oranges, or protine bars( Lar bars are great or if you are low carb people like Ryan and I are grab an Adkins bar or Trail mix for the road)
3).Plan Ahead...... When it comes to healthy living eating out can ruin anyone's diet or plans. Not if you are smart. Understand that most restaurants are not about health they are about taste, so if you go to their websites ahead of time and look at the nutritional facts you can know in your mind what to eat and what to avoid. ( as someone that has both worked in restaurants and with family that does I can tell you the "Healthy choice "there isnt always the Healthy choice) ALOT of Restaurants add sugars to veggies to make them more appealing ( but they don't tell you that) at one national chain the green beans have more then a cup of sugar added to each batch, as does the corn and carrots. Salads are another trap at some fast food joints it is better to eat a burger then it is a salad. Be aware of the calories, the hidden sugars in dressings, and the toppings they put on things. If you walk in knowing I am ordering XYZ then you do not even have to crack open the menu to be tempted by the other goodies that will end up costing you in the long term.

Stay tuned for more inspiration, motivation and weightloss tips!

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