Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Fitness is like Marriage

Fitness is like Marriage.....
You must be committed 100% if you arent you will fail. Think about it why are there so many fad diets out there now, why are there thousands of gym's and fitness equipment sales that soar through the roof every January but sit collecting dust 10 months out of the rest of the Year?
People want a quick fix ( One night stand) when it comes to that nice body and being active but they aren't willing to put in the time and energy it takes to make it last ( like a 50 year marriage).
In marriage you have to wake up every day and commit not only in your Heart but to that person daily, every morning you choose to Love that person, support that person and be there for them no matter what, come rain or shine, good or bad times. So why do so many people not look at their commitment to fitness the same?  I can tell you my relationship with fitness and health has been dysfunctional at times. WE have had a marriage of separation, cheating, and at times passion. But this Year I have come back. I have decided that I am all in. I had a para dime shift and decided that I have to treat my body and my relationship with fitness and health the same as I do my Marriage to Ryan. Are there days I wake up and don't want to get my butt up and go to the gym or go run? HECK YES! But in our marriages when we aren't seeing eye to eye there are day you don't really want to be around your spouse but you do and you suck it up because you have committed to yourself, to Them and to God that you are in this for Life. I now Look at my relationship with Food, the gym and my body in this way. There are days I want to be Bad and eat junk food, there are days i would much rather skip the gym or my run to lay around with my kids and watch TV or play with them. But I don't and I cant, because I am now married to Ryan and My health! I choose daily to be the best version of me I can be! I choose daily to get in better shape for myself, my husband, my kids and for my God! God calls us to treat our body as a Temple and that it is the house of the Holy spirit. If you believe that then how you treat your body directly affects how you respect and treat God and the Holy spirit living within you.
My Challenge to you today it to decide once and for all how do you choose to live? What master do you serve? and Are you married to your Health or not?
Tips for getting in shape:
1. DONT DRINK YOUR CALORIES.... I have said this a million times so lets make it 1 million and 1 times, lol Drinking sodas, juice etc.... is giving your body little nutritional value and is adding extra calories you DONT need.
2. START SMALL..... Dont try to run a marathon if you have never run, dont enter a weight lifting competition if you never lifted weights and dont try to lose 100 lbs in 2 months. Choose small goals to start..... Want to take up running GREAT, start by walking 20 min then running 5, after a few weeks start to shift from 20/5 to 15/10, then to 20/5 this gives your body time to grow accustom to the new stress you are putting on it. Go to the gym and start lifting light weights the gradually increase.
Finally with Weight loss if you need to lose 100 lbs start with 5 lbs, and when you hit that set another small goal. Smaller goals are easier to stick to and you aren't as frustrated if you don't hit that goal.
3. TAKE BEFORE AND AFTER PICS.... If for any other reason do this for you and you alone. I have and do share mine but that is because the few close people i have shared with have told me that my transformation has inspired them, and helped them. If you are not comfortable sharing your pics DON'T. But have them so that when you do hit a lower weight or if you arent looking to lose weight but rather get fit then you can look back at the transformation and remind yourself never to go back to the way you were before.
4. HAVE A PLAN.... If we eat out at fast food restaurants we like to go to McDonald or Taco bell, because McDonald's posts caloric intake on the menu so we can see how many calories we will be eating and they believe it or not are one of the better fast food joints to eat at calorie wise. Taco bell we have gone to their website and done the leg work. we know that each Taco is 150 calories, and we know how much we can get to stay in our goals for eating that day. Weight watchers is another great way to have a plan. They even sell books for eating out with the calorie/ points per menu item at the major chain restaurants. If you set a plan you are mor likely not to deviate and to have success.

I was reluctant to post this but several friends told me I needed to because it shows how even 23 lbs can make a huge difference in someones life. Please DON'T JUDGE!!!! ( these are 2 months worth of eating healthy, cutting sugar, NO Soda or Diet Soda, and working out 30 min every day) I also do between 50 and 200 crunches every other day depending on the day

1 comment:

  1. What a transformation! You look amazing no matter what but like you said treat our bodies like a temple. Good health so we have the chance to live a healthy life for our families. I love your blog! 😊
